Amazon Product Listing Optimization (SEO)

Is your brand not getting the attention it deserves on Amazon? Elevate your presence from invisible to invincible with High-Converting Amazon  Product Listing. Optimizing your Amazon listings enhances your products’ rankings in search results, putting them in front of potential customers.

Amazon product listing

Amazon Isn't Driving The Sales You Expected

You’re not alone. For many brands, Amazon can feel like an incomplete puzzle.

You may spend your days trying to stand out, endlessly adjusting amazon product listing without seeing results, and navigating Amazon’s evolving rules.

But here’s the good news: capturing shoppers’ attention, boosting sales, and making your brand a top choice is easier than you think…

Scale on Amazon
with top-ranked listings

We craft listings that capture attention and drive engagement

Amazon Product Listing
  • Elevate your products with advanced keyword optimization to stand out..

  • Attract customers with captivating visuals and compelling stories.

  • Boost Amazon visibility with persuasive content that sets you apart from competitors.

  • Align products with ideal customer search habits for a seamless shopping experience.

  • Turn product features into irresistible benefits, making them must-haves for your audience.

  • Surge sales with visible, buyer-focused content that boosts Amazon conversion rates.

Capture attention with
high-quality product imagery

We create product listings that are not just visible but irresistibly engaging.

  • We'll create primary product visuals to ensure authenticity and trust.

  • Our team creates infographics that highlight key benefits and simplify complex information.

  • Showcase your product range with clear, attractive visuals that guide customers.

  • We create images that communicate your brand's unique values and resonate with your audience.

  • We create visuals that attract and efficiently answer customer queries, speeding up decision-making and satisfaction.

Amazon Product Listing

Highlight your
Brand's Journey with A+ Content

Strengthen your Amazon brand with AddMatrix's premium brand content

  • A+ Content: Showcase your brand and products with visually stunning elements to educate and convert shoppers.

  • Brand Story: Connect deeply with customers through your unique narrative, sharing values, mission, and uniqueness.

  • Branded Storefront: Create a custom Amazon Storefront for seamless product exploration and engagement.

  • Product & Lifestyle Photography: Capture your products professionally with high-quality photography that resonates with your audience.

  • Video: Create engaging videos that bring your products to life and drive sales, from demonstrations to brand stories.

From Being
Invisible to #1 Search Ranking

What's Included in
our Amazon SEO Service

Well optimized listing, Convert more shoppers into buyers

Product Listing - SEO

  • Keyword rich product title
  • Five bullet points
  • Product Description
  • Backend search terms
  • Product attributes
  • Keywords research report
  • 5 vars. (Size/Color)
  • Amazon Friendly Content
  • Content Submission
  • 7 Days Support

Catalog / Listing Images

  • 7 Infographic Banners
  • Main image A/B testing
  • Desktop image optimisation
  • Mobile image optimisation
  • Amazon Friendly Content
  • 5 vars. (Size/Color)
  • Alt-Image keywords
  • 2 Design Revisions
  • Design & Submission
  • 7 Days Support

A+ Pages / A+ Content

  • 16 interactive modules
  • 7 modules per page
  • Desktop image optimisation
  • Mobile image optimisation
  • Amazon Friendly Content
  • 5 vars. (Size/Color)
  • Alt-Image keywords
  • 2 Design Revisions
  • Design & Submission
  • 7 Days Support

Your questions answered

Common questions

Product listing optimization is the process of enhancing and improving the details of a product listing on an e-commerce platform such as Amazon to attract more customers, increase visibility, and drive sales.

We ensure high-quality product listing in the following ways:

  • Assigning the accurate product categories
  • Validating product data accuracy at every step
  • Meeting the set product listing criteria & guidelines by Amazon
  • Using the best practices & tools for product listing creation

High-quality images can significantly improve product listings on Amazon as they provide customers with a visual representation of the product and help them make informed purchasing decisions. Using clear, high-resolution images of the product from various angles, as well as lifestyle images that show the product in use can greatly enhance the product listing and increase customer engagement and conversions.

There are several metrics that sellers can use to measure the success of their Amazon product listing optimization efforts, including:

  • Conversion rate: the percentage of visitors to the listing that makes a purchase
  • Product page views: the number of times the listing has been viewed by potential customers
  • Sales: the number of units sold and the total revenue generated from sales
  • Search ranking: the position of the listing in search results for relevant keywords

By regularly monitoring these metrics, sellers can determine the impact of their optimization efforts and make any necessary adjustments to improve their results.

Some common mistakes to avoid when optimizing product listings on Amazon include using irrelevant or inaccurate keywords, using poor-quality images, neglecting to respond to customer reviews, and failing to follow Amazon’s guidelines and best practices for product listings. It’s important to avoid making false or misleading claims about your product, as this can result in penalties or suspension of your product listing. Regularly monitor your product listings and make adjustments as needed to ensure that your product remains relevant, competitive, and appealing to potential buyers.

Amazon’s algorithm is the search engine that determines the ranking of products in search results. It takes into account various factors, such as relevance, sales, and customer engagement, to determine which products should appear at the top of search results. Optimizing product listings to meet the criteria set by the algorithm can greatly increase the visibility and success of a product on Amazon.

Yes, you can use Amazon’s advertising options, such as Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, to improve the visibility of their product listings. These advertising options allow sellers to bid on keywords and have their product listings appear at the top of search results for those keywords. By using Amazon’s advertising options, sellers can increase their visibility, drive more traffic to their product listings, and improve their chances of making a sale.

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