Optimizing Amazon Search Terms: Techniques and Examples

Imagine spending thousands on Amazon Sponsored Product ads, expecting increased visibility and sales, only to find your ads hidden and failing to reach your target audience.

This is a common issue for sellers who neglect search term optimization in their ad campaigns.
Without optimizing search terms, sellers risk wasting money, missing potential customers, and struggling to gain the visibility needed for conversions.

By focusing on Amazon search term optimization, you can improve ad visibility, attract relevant traffic, and make the most of your advertising efforts.

This guide will show you how to strategically place your search terms to improve your product’s visibility in search results and optimize your Amazon search terms.
You’ll learn how to make your products stand out among millions and ensure they are easily found when people search on Amazon

What is Amazon Search Term Optimization?

Amazon search terms are the keywords customers use when looking for products. These terms are crucial for product visibility as they help Amazon’s algorithm decide which products to show for a search query.

For instance, if someone is searching for a “portable blender,” they might use terms like “portable blender,” “mini blender,” or “travel blender.” These keywords guide Amazon’s algorithm to show relevant products.

Amazon search term optimization is the process of choosing and refining these keywords to improve product visibility and search ranking. This involves adding relevant keywords to product listings and PPC campaigns to enhance their relevance and performance.

By optimizing search terms, you can make your product listings more visible and effective on Amazon. This process includes targeting key search terms, refining product descriptions, titles, and bullet points, and selecting the best keywords to attract more customers and drive sales.

Optimizing Amazon search terms helps increase your product’s visibility, attract more potential buyers, and boost sales. It’s about positioning your products to catch the attention of Amazon shoppers and improve the chances of conversion.

Two Ways on How You Can Optimize Your Amazon Search Terms

Here are two ways in which you can optimize your Amazon search terms:

1.Create Manual campaigns and optimize search terms

A common issue for Amazon sellers is not getting enough visibility for their products despite spending on ads. Many struggle to effectively target their audience and optimize search terms for better results.
To fix this, you can create manual campaigns and manually refine your keywords. Here’s how:

Keyword Research: Use Amazon’s autocomplete feature and competitor listings to find relevant keywords.

Active Management: Monitor metrics like click-through and conversion rates to see which keywords perform best.

Avoid Duplication: Use synonyms or related terms to avoid competing against yourself and to expand your reach.

Adhere to Limits: Ensure your keywords fit within Amazon’s character limits to maximize visibility.

By actively managing your manual campaigns and optimizing search terms, you can boost your product’s visibility, attract more customers, and improve sales on Amazon.

2. Optimize Existing PPC Campaigns

Many sellers struggle to identify which search terms drive conversions, leading to wasted ad spend and inefficient campaigns.

PPC audit tool can help by providing insights into your Amazon-sponsored product ad campaigns. Here’s how it works:

Analyze Search Term Reports: The tool examines your search term report to highlight which terms are converting well, which are not performing, and where ad spend is being wasted.

Evaluate Match Types: It assesses the effectiveness of different match types (exact, phrase, broad) in your campaigns. This helps you understand which types are working well and which may need adjustments. You can then optimize your match types to target the most relevant search queries, leading to higher conversion rates.

Identify Wasted Ad Spend: The tool pinpoints keywords that are not driving conversions but are consuming your budget. By identifying these inefficiencies, you can reallocate your budget to high-performing keywords, maximizing your ROI.

Actionable Recommendations: The audit tool provides data-driven suggestions to improve your campaigns. These may include adding new high-converting search terms, pausing or adjusting bids for underperforming keywords, or refining match types to improve targeting.

By using these insights and recommendations, you can optimize your search terms and overall campaign performance for better results

Tips for Optimizing Your Amazon Search Term

Optimizing your Amazon search terms is vital for improving your product’s visibility and increasing sales. Let’s delve into:

Conduct Keyword  Research :
Conducting thorough keyword research is essential for effective optimization. Identify relevant terms and phrases potential customers might use when searching for products like yours on Amazon. Utilize Amazon’s search bar suggestions and third-party tools like SellerApp Keyword Research, which combines Amazon’s suggestions and competitor analysis to gather popular search terms.

Select the Most Appropriate Keywords :
After compiling a list of potential keywords, evaluate and select the most appropriate ones for your product. Look for keywords with high search volume and relevance. Consider factors like competition level and target audience. Choosing the best keywords ensures your product will be visible to the right audience.

Improve Your Keywords :
Once you’ve selected your target keywords, strategically incorporate them into your product listing. Ensure primary keywords are included in critical areas like the product title, bullet points, product description, and backend search terms. Aim for natural keyword integration to maintain readability and appeal to both customers and search algorithms.

Use Synonyms :
In addition to primary keywords, include synonyms and alternative variations that customers might use. This broadens the reach of your listing and increases the likelihood of appearing in relevant search results. For example, if your product is a “portable charger,” also include terms like “power bank” or “external battery.”

Avoid Repetition :
While it’s important to include relevant keywords throughout your listing, avoid excessive repetition. Overusing keywords can make your content appear spammy and harm your search rankings. Instead, focus on using a diverse range of keywords strategically to maximize visibility without sacrificing quality.

Eliminate Irrelevant Keywords :
Regularly review and refine your list of search terms to remove any that aren’t driving meaningful traffic or conversions. By eliminating irrelevant keywords, you can improve the precision of your targeting and ensure your listing is optimized for maximum effectiveness. Continuously monitor and update your keyword strategy to stay competitive on Amazon.

How to Analyze Your Amazon Search Term Report

You should analyze the Amazon Search Term report to better understand customer search patterns, refine product listings, and elevate Amazon PPC campaigns. Here’s how to analyze your Amazon Search Term report:

Access the Report: You can begin by logging into your Amazon Seller Central account and going to the “Advertising Report” section under “Analytics” where you can access your Amazon search term reports. By doing this you gain access to crucial data on customer search terms.

Understand the Key Metrics: The Amazon Search Term report provides important metrics like impressions, clicks, Click-Through Rate (CTR), Cost-Per-Click (CPC), total spent, total sales, and conversion rate. These metrics give insights into customer interaction with search terms and the efficacy of PPC campaigns.

Identify the Relevant Search Terms: You can use your report to pinpoint the most relevant and frequently searched terms used by customers. Analyzing these terms enables you to refine keyword targeting, enhance product descriptions, and optimize PPC campaigns for heightened relevance and reduced ad expenditure.

Use Historical Data: Historical data extracted from the Search Term report helps you in testing and optimizing product listings and PPC campaigns. By carefully examining the trends in search terms and customer behavior, you can make data-driven decisions to enhance your Amazon presence.
Analyzing the Amazon Search Term report is necessary for you to comprehend customer search behavior, refine product listings, and elevate PPC campaigns on Amazon.

Use Cases on Search Terms on Amazon

Given below are some use cases on how to use the search terms on Amazon:

1. Identify Search Terms Driving Conversions

To optimize your Amazon campaigns, analyze the Amazon Search Term report to identify which specific search terms are driving conversions. By focusing on these high-converting terms, you can adjust your strategy for better results.

For example, if you find that the term “non-toxic acrylic paints” consistently drives high conversions for your art supplies, and specific ASINs for premium quality paintbrush sets are also generating significant sales, you should adjust your advertising strategy. Allocate more budget towards campaigns targeting these specific ASINs and search terms, and optimize your product listings to enhance visibility for related keywords.

By concentrating on these high-converting elements identified in the report, you can improve campaign performance, increase sales, and maximize ROI on Amazon.

2.Excluding Underperforming Search Terms

Regularly review your search term performance and exclude keywords that drive high advertising costs without generating significant sales to improve campaign efficiency and profitability.

For example, if “luxury watches for men” has a high ACoS of 70% in your advertising reports, indicating it’s impacting profitability without generating sales, exclude it as a negative keyword. This strategic adjustment reduces wasted ad spend and focuses your budget on more profitable keywords, enhancing campaign performance and increasing ROI on Amazon.

3. Organic Optimization with High-Performing Search Terms

Integrate high-performing search terms into your product listings to enhance organic visibility on Amazon. By strategically using these terms across your listings, you improve your chances of appearing in relevant searches and attracting more customers.

For example, if you specialize in fitness equipment and find that “home gym essentials” consistently drives high traffic and conversions, integrate this term into your product titles, descriptions, and backend keywords. Use “Home Gym Essentials: Premium Workout Equipment for Your Fitness Needs” in your product title, emphasize benefits in your description, and include variations like “home workout essentials” in backend keywords to boost visibility.

By strategically incorporating “home gym essentials” and similar terms, you increase the likelihood of appearing in relevant searches, attracting more customers, and driving higher sales in the competitive fitness equipment market on Amazon.

4. Increase bids for Top-of-Search (TOS) placements

Associated with successful search terms to secure prime ad positions and maximize visibility. By strategically boosting bids for these top-performing keywords, you can drive more traffic and capitalize on valuable conversion opportunities.

For instance, a seller specializing in outdoor camping gear on Amazon identifies that the search term “durable camping tents” consistently leads to high conversions and profitability in their advertising reports.

To leverage this insight, raise bids for TOS placements linked to the search term “durable camping tents.” This strategic move aims to secure prominent ad positions at the top of search results, enhance visibility, and attract more potential customers.

By increasing bids on top-performing keywords, you can optimize your advertising strategy, increase traffic, and boost sales in the competitive outdoor gear market on Amazon.


Mastering Amazon search term optimization is crucial to enhance your product visibility and increase sales on the platform. Continuous refinement and adaptation of search term strategies are vital in the dynamic e-commerce landscape, ensuring competitiveness and capitalizing on new opportunities. With a thorough understanding of Amazon search term optimization, you can navigate the platform’s complexities and unlock your products’ full potential in the Amazon online marketplace.

As an Amazon marketing agency we can help you to grow your business by leveraging our expertise in search term optimization, ensuring your products achieve maximum visibility and sales.


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